It happens here: Consumer-centric Innovation in Charlotte and beyond

How is a spaceship like an elephant? Analogies in innovation by Nheeda Enriquez
flickr photo credits: serendigity and Matthieu :: giik

flickr photo credits: serendigity and Matthieu :: giik

On Wednesday, I attended the NCTA Emerging Trends and Technologies Breakfast Series over at the NC Research Institute (where I also found out that NCTA is pronounced “en-see-ta” by those in the know.)  Prime speakers, good info, and primo networking opportunities abound.

This particular event was about Biotechnology, but one thing stuck in my mind – Mike Luther, president of the Research Institute, mentioned how the bioscience community looks to Wall Street to find ideas (and not just for funding.)  They wanted to know how to efficiently sort through massive amounts of data (think genome sequencing) to find meaningful patterns.

I am a huge advocate of using analogies in ideation, because there’s many an idea to be borrowed from one industry to solve a problem in another.  To practice this, use a simple exercise: “How is a _____ like a ______?” to start thinking about how two seemingly different things might actually be similar.   Finding analogies on a daily basis is surely an innovation muscle that’s worth strengthening.